Plant Biotechnology; Plants and Society

Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

Instructor: Brian Ellis
UBC, Biotechnology lab, 6174 University Blvd.
(604) 822 3451

Plants in Society (3rd year; Biol 329H)
The role of plants in human population growth and topics such as biotechnology, medicinal, psychoactive and commercial aspects of plants
Textbooks: Evans, L.T. 1998. Feeding the Ten Billion. Cambridge University Press
Simpson, B.E and Ogorzaly, M.C. 2001. Plants in Our World. 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Instructor: Neil Emery
Biology Department, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8
(705) 748 1011 ext. 1312
Lab home page:

Plant Biotechnology
Instructor: Ann Eastman
University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave
(519) 746 9290

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