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Early Career Members

Membres en début de carrière

Are you a postdoc, research associate or new faculty member? Let us help you improve your visibility! The CSPB - SCBV is looking to feature out ECR members on our social media pages, website and in communications like our biannual bulletin. If you are interested in being featured please send a headshot, a short bio (<100 words) and your contact info (e-mail, social handles, website) to our Postdoc Rep Dr. Meha Sharma at postdocrep@cspb-scbv.ca. We will accept features on a rolling basis.

Message from the CSPB Student Rep

Sean Ritter

PhD Candidate, UBC

CSPB Student Representative

This past academic year was the inaugural year for the student representative position on the CSPB/SCBV executive committee. This position was created to amplify the voice of students in proceedings of the society, and to provide additional opportunities for student members. One such example of this is the inclusion of a student member on the Ragai Ibrahim Award committee, which recognizes excellence in graduate student publication. Reviewing application was an inspiring process and representative of the high quality of research being done by graduate students across the country. Congratulations to Song Siyu of the University of British Columbia, the 2024 winner of the award, as well as Deka Mohamed of University of Toronto (Scarborough) who received an honorable mention. If you have a recent primary author publication and are either currently a student or within 12 months of graduation, please consider applying for the 2025 award.

The recent Plant Canada 2024 meeting, held in Winnipeg this past July, was a great success in bringing together student members from across Canada. The scientific programming of the meeting highlighted the talented grad students across Canada, congratulations to all winners of both poster and oral presentation awards. Additionally, career development opportunities for CSPB/CSBV members were provided through the organization of a workshop hosted by Botany Co-Editors-in-Chief Dr. Liette Vasseur and Dr. Shelley Hepworth and Journal Development Specialist Rachel Pietersma on building authorship and peer review skills ,and a society social. Special thanks to the outgoing Post-Doctoral Representative Dr. Mark Minnow, for both his work in organizing both the workshop and the society social in conjunction with Dr. Eliana Gonzales-Vigil and Dr. Mark Belmonte. The social provided an informal environment to meet both student and faculty members of the society from across Canada while competing in a plant and CSPB/CSBV history trivia competition. Attendees will attest that the event featured both healthy competition and a jovial atmosphere. Plans are currently underway for western and eastern regional meetings, as well as the CSPB annual meeting in 2025, so keep an eye out for upcoming calls for abstracts.

Ongoing initiatives include facilitating the Budding Ideas Column of the bulletin, which serves to provide a platform for early career members of the society to discuss issues of importance to them, continued service on the Ragai Ibrahim Award Committee and facilitation of workshops and social events at upcoming CSPV/CSBV meetings. As this remains a relatively new position, any input on how the student representative can best serve the graduate student population is welcome. If you have any suggestions, please to do not hesitate to contact me at studentrep@cspb-scbv.ca. 

Budding Ideas

The Budding Ideas column is edited by the CSPB-SCBV current Student and Postdoc Representatives

The Budding Ideas column is an early career member contribution to the CSPB Bulletin which was initiated in Fall 2021. This column was created after the EDI Committee’s most recent survey brought to light that our Society could do more to engage with early career members at the graduate student and post- doctoral level. This column is one way to give graduate and post-doc members an opportunity to engage with the society, by sharing their interests, research and musings on topics touching STEM and plant biology, in short and sometimes unorthodox ways.  Please email admin@cspb-scbv.ca with questions. 

Read Current Articles:

AI and Plant Science: Current Tools, Challenges, and the Future

Dr. Robert McGee, McGill

Kodo Millet Genetic Engineering: A Vision for Eradicating Hunger Worldwide

Basanta Lamichhane, UQTR

Read Past Articles:

Beyond Burnout: Breaking Down Barriers to Neurodiverse Researchers

Basseem Doss, McGill

Plant Reproduction: The Fascinating Tale of Harmony Between Pollen and Pistil Proteins

Milesh Gawande, IIT Gandinagar

Biofortification: What does it mean? Why is it important?

Shakshi Anjali Dutt, UCalgary

The Advantages of Being a Lab Pioneer: Tips for Success

Vanessa Shivnauth, McMaster

Ukraine: The world's breadbasket and a valuable contributor to plant biology

Adrian Monthony, ULaval

Do you know what 'first-gen' means?

Andreea Bosorogan, UoT

Biomass, biofuels, and big mistakes?

Harley Gordon, UVic

Dear Auxin: An ode to the master hormone 

Sonhita Chakraborty, UoT

Minimizing lab waste through sustainable lab practices

Praveen Khatri, UWO

Featured New Faculty & Postdocs

Read full bios of our featured members to learn more about their research!

Previously featured early career members can be found here or check out their features in our past bulletins!

Know an Early Career Researcher you would like to see featured? Contact the communications director communications@cspb-scbv.ca

Message from the New Postdoc Rep

Dr. Meha Sharma

CSPB-SCBV Postdoctoral Rep

I am excited to introduce myself as CSPB newly elected Postdoctoral Representative.  I received my Ph.D. in Plant Science from McGill University investigating the molecular interactions between plants and rhizobacteria (2017-2023). Currently, I am working as a Postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Dr. Dastmalchi at McGill University (2023-current), studying plant-derived compounds and their utility against insect detoxification enzymes. 

As a Postdoc Rep, I am eager to serve as a voice for my peers, advocating for your needs, career growth, and professional development. I will be working closely with Student Rep (Sean Ritter). As a recent graduate, I understand the challenges of job hunting and the application process. I plan to organize career-focused workshops during our meetings to help address these needs. I encourage you to reach out to me at postdocrep@cspb-scbv.ca with any concerns or challenges you may be facing in your graduate or postdoctoral work. By gathering and understanding the common obstacles within our field, I will address them at both the CSPB level and beyond, working toward tangible solutions. I look forward to collaborating with you all to make meaningful improvements for our community.

 If you have any suggestions of information you would like to see listed here please contact the CSPB student and post-doctoral representative studentrep@cspb-scbv.ca

Si vous avez des suggestions ou d'information que vous voulez voir ici SVP contactez representative étudiant et postdoc à studentrep@cspb-scbv.ca

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