International Funding Agencies - Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Below are fellowships available on the European continent for Post-Doctoral Fellows in the plant sciences. General application deadlines and eligibility is provided along with links to each Fellowship webpage. In some instances, societies offer fellowships. This will usually require membership in that society to gain access to funding (e.g. The Federation of European Biochemical Societies - FEBS).

Europe - General

Marie Sklodowska-Curie (Horizon 2020) 

Funding: 2 years

Application Deadline: Spring and Fall
General Eligibility: Must have a Ph.D.
General Limitations: At the deadline for submission fellows shall not have resided or carried out their research in the country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to application.

EMBO fellowships

Funding: 2 years

Application Deadline: Summer and Winter
General Eligibility: Must have a Ph.D.
General Limitations: Applications must involve a move between countries. Can apply a maximum of 2 times.

Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) fellowships

Funding: 2 years

Application Deadline: Fall
General Eligibility: Must be a member of a FEBS member society; Must have a PhD
General Limitations: Cannot be currently working in the laboratory for which the project is proposed. Must have obtained a Ph.D. in the last 6 years. Must be held in a FEBS country.


Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Awards (DECRA)

ARC Future Fellowships


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Emmy Noether Programme

Funding: 5 years

Application Deadline: Fall
General Eligibility: Must have obtained a Ph.D. within the last 4 years
General Limitations: none.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Funding: 2 years

Application Deadline: Fall
General Eligibility: Must apply within 4 years of obtaining your Ph.D. Must have a minimum of 2 years post-doctoral research experience. 12 months of research must be conducted abroad
General Limitations: Expectation to continue research in Germany after fellowship completion


SystemsX: The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology

Funding: 2-3 years

Application Deadline: As per call for applications
General Eligibility: As per call for applications
General Limitations: n/a


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