Plant Ecology and Environmental Physiology

Plant Ecology (4th year)
Includes: Environmental physiology
Textbook: Barbour et al., Terrestrial Plant Ecology

Instructor: Sheila Macfie
University of Western Ontario, Department of Biology
(519) 661 2111 # 86487

Physiologie environnementale des plantes / Environmental Physiology of Plants (Graduate level)
Physiological, biochemical and molecular aspects of plant's interaction with biotic and abiotic environment
Includes: Formal lectures, directed reading and group discussions

Instructor: Deep Saini
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal, IRBV, 4101 rue Sherbrooke est, Montreal, Qc H1X 2B2

Environmental Plant Physiology
Textbook: Hopkins and Huner, Introduction to Plant Physiology, 2nd edition

Instructor: Ann Eastman
University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave
(519) 746 9290

Plant Physiological Ecology (Biol 328H)
Includes: Practicals covering forest canopy field equipment exercises (measurements through layers of maple tree canopy): Porometer; PAR meter, water potential (pressure bomb balance pressure), chlorophyll flourescence
Nitrogen fixation: (Qubit systems H2 sensor) effects of NO3 feeding, detopping, shading
Photosynthesis (Qubit O2 sensor): light response curves for sun/shade grown plants
Journal paper discussions
Texbooks: Lambers H., Chapin F.S. III & Pons T. 1998. Plant Physiological Ecology. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN: 0-387-98326-0 Buchanan et al., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants (ASPB): textbook and CD ROM

Instructor: Neil Emery
Biology Department, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8
(705) 748 1011 ext. 1312
Lab home page:

Plant Symbiosis and Pathogenesis
Instructor: Brian Ellis
UBC, Biotechnology lab, 6174 University Blvd.
(604) 822 3451

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