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  • 17 Mar 2023 12:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is my sad duty to inform the CSPB-SCBV community of the passing of Professor Derek Bewley. Please take a moment to read an excerpt from Kent Bradford and Henk Hilhorst’s professional obituary which will be available in its entirety in the spring Bulletin of CSPB-SCBV.

    Robin Cameron, President of CSPB-SCBV.

    in Memoriam: J. Derek Bewley 1943-2023

    Kent J. Bradford1 and Henk W. M. Hilhorst2,3

    1Seed Biotechnology Center, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA; email:

    2Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands and 3University of Cape Town, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Cape Town, South-Africa; email: and

    Dr. J. Derek Bewley, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (formerly Department of Botany) at the University of Guelph, Canada, passed away due to cancer on February 24, 2023. Derek was a towering figure in seed science over the past five decades, making critical research contributions to a wide diversity of topics. He completed his undergraduate degree in Botany and Biochemistry at the University of London in 1965 and his PhD with Michael Black at the same institution in 1968. He began his research career investigating the action of phytochrome in relation to gibberellin (GA) in stimulating germination of lettuce seeds. He then moved in 1968 to a postdoc with Abe Marcus at the Fox Chase Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia. He accepted a faculty position at the University of Calgary, Canada, and continued his work on seed germination and desiccation tolerance. In 1985, Derek moved to the University of Guelph to become the Chair of the Botany Department and to continue his work in seed biology. Derek completed his publishing career by contributing to an Annual Review of Plant Biology article on desiccation tolerance in 2020, his 275th publication. While Derek’s research alone would ensure his recognition as a foundational plant biologist, his authorship of books has added substantially to his reputation and his impact on the field. In collaboration with Michael Black, he published two volumes of the Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds in Relation to Germination. These books, along with the less research-oriented textbook Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination (3 editions), introduced a generation of seed biologists to both the history of their field and its future directions. During his career, Derek supervised 46 students to a postgraduate degree, many of whom continued in academic or research professions, and mentored 54 postdoctoral fellows and visiting scientists. Nationally and internationally, Derek served as President of the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists and as a Corresponding Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists. He is recognized as a Pioneer Member of the latter organization and also received its Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award. Derek, along with his mentor and colleague Michael Black, played critical roles in the establishment of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS) in 1999. Derek was President-elect from 2002-2005 and President from 2005-2008.

  • 17 Mar 2023 12:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As President of CSPB-CSBV, it is my sad duty to inform the CSPB-SCBV community that Professor Mary E. Spencer passed away peacefully on December 18th 2022 at the Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre. Professor Spencer made outstanding contributions to the field of plant biology, specifically in understanding how ethylene is produced. Professor Spencer’s exceptional career was recognized by her election to the Royal Society of Canada as a Fellow in 1976 and an Order of Canada in 2001, among many other honours. She gave back to the plant biology community as an active member of the Canadian Society of Plant Biology / La Société Canadienne de Biologie Végétale in her role on several committees, as Western Regional Director, Vice-President and President. Her name and memory live on in the CSPB-SCBV Mary E. Spencer Award that was established in 2018, to recognize CSPB-SCBV members who have made outstanding contributions to plant biology research and public service to the plant biology community. A more detailed professional obituary by Professor Deep Saini will be posted in the next few months. 

    Robin Cameron CSPB - SCBV President
  • 01 Mar 2023 19:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CSPB Western Regional Meeting 2023 is now open for registration and abstract submission!

    The WRM will take place on May 1st and 2nd at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. in conjunction with the UVic Centre for Forest Biology Research Symposium.

    Deadline for abstract submission: March 27, 2023

    Deadline for free registration: April 11, 2023

    Looking forward to seeing you in Victoria!

    The Organizing Committee

  • 24 Feb 2023 13:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CSPB 2023 will take place at Université Laval in Quebec City, June 18–21. Plant scientists at all stages of their careers will congregate at this meeting to get new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the Canadian plant biology community has to offer.

    Register at before April 16th for early bird registration rates.

  • 17 Dec 2022 15:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues and Friends,

    Two years ahead of the XX IBC, we are pleased to launch the Call for Symposia. We encourage researchers worldwide to submit symposium proposals on a variety of topics through the IBC website. The call for symposia will remain open until December 30th, 2022. Symposia constitute a very important component of the XX IBC, please submit a proposal and help shape the meeting’s program! Also note that diversity of speakers in terms of gender, career stage, and geography will be one of the criteria for selecting proposals. Symposium proposals that bridge two or more of the 31 proposed topics, including novel views and/or multi-disciplinary research perspectives, are especially encouraged.

    Best regards,

    The Organizing Committee of the XX IBC.

    Call for symposia

    Proposal submission now available! The scientific committee will evaluate symposium proposals based on potential audience interest, scientific quality, and diversity of speakers in terms of gender, career stage, and geography, among others. Symposium proposals that bridge two or more of the 31 proposed topics, including novel views and/or multi-disciplinary research perspectives are especially encouraged. We will make an effort to accept as many proposals as possible. Each symposium will last for 2 hours and will consist of six 20-minute oral communications (15 min presentations + 5 min Q&A). To maximize the interchangeability of participants among concurrent symposia, changes to this schedule will not be allowed. Deadline for symposium proposals 30 December 2022.Proposal Submission


    1. Agroforestry Systems

    2. Bioinformatics

    3. Biogeography / Phylogeography

    4. Botanical History

    5. Bryology

    6. Comparative Genomics / Transcriptomics

    7. Conservation Biology

    8. Crops and Wild Relatives 

    9. Development and Structure

    10. Ecology and Plant Communities

    11. Ecophysiology

    12. Education and Outreach 

    13. Ethnobotany

    14. Floristics 

    15. Functional Genetics 

    16. Global Change Ecology

    17. Hybrids and Hybridization

    18. Mycology and Lichenology

    19. Macroevolution

    20. Paleobotany / Archaeobotany

    21. Phycology

    22. Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics

    23. Physiology

    24. Plant, Animal, and Microbe Interactions

    25. Plant Biotechnology

    26. Palynology

    27. Population Genetics

    28. Pteridology

    29. Restoration Ecology

    30. Reproductive Biology

    31. Systematics


  • 27 May 2022 00:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    All members are encouraged  to attend our 2022 Virtual Annual Business Meeting 
    • To hear from our Treasurer about the CSPB-SCBV budget
    • Announcement of 2022 CSPB-SCBV Awards
    • Results of elections to fill vacant executive and committee positions

    2022 Virtual CSPB-SCBV Annual Business Meeting

    Wednesday June 22 from 5 to 7 pm (eastern time)

    Virtual, link will be sent to the membership closer to June 22nd

    We hope to see you on the 22nd!

    Robin Cameron,

    President, CSPB-SCBV

  • 28 Apr 2022 15:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This special issue aims to highlight the work of researchers at the beginning of their academic career working in the fields of climate change relating to all segments of plant sciences. We encourage submissions that are interdisciplinary in nature and focus on aspects like physiological adaptation, ecological response, and development of plants. Download the full Call for Papers here.


June 22, 2022

Our CSPB/SCBV Society Awards were presented at the 2022 Virtual Annual Business Meeting this past week. A big congratulations to all of our awardees!

2022 David J Gifford Prize in Tree Biology: Dr. Annie DesRocher, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

In recognition of outstanding research contributions in tree biology, primarily in Canada.

Special consideration for originality and independence of thought.

2022 Carl Douglas Prize: Dr. Lauren Erland, UBC Okanagan & UFV

In recognition of outstanding contributions to plant biology by a postdoctoral fellow, based on initiative and originality of the research, productivity of the individual, and leadership during their postdoctoral fellowship.

2022 Ragai Ibrahim Award for Best Student Paper

Excellence in publication by graduate students

Winner: Dr. Purva Karia (Yoshioka Lab, U of T) for the paper entitled “Multiple phosphorylation events of the mitochondrial membrane protein TTM1 regulate cell death during senescence" published in the Plant Journal.

Honorable mention: Samuel Livingston (Samuels Lab, UBC) for the paper entitled “Cannabis glandular trichome cell walls undergo remodelling to store specialized metabolites" in Plant & Cell Physiology.

Check out our awards pages for past winners.

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