Opportunities are shared free of charge which may be of interest to our membership. Contact us at admin@cspb-scbv.ca to have your job added to our job board!

  • 01 Feb 2024 13:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Appel de candidatures 

    Professeure ou professeur en biologie moléculaire et  cellulaire (2 postes) 

    No 06800 

    Période d'affichage : du 29 janvier au 15 mars 2024 

    TYPE D'EMPLOI : Professeur 

    LIEU : Campus principal 

    STATUT : Régulier 


    Faculté des sciences 

    Département de biologie 

    HORAIRE : Temps complet 


    L'Université de Sherbrooke sollicite des candidatures pour deux postes de professeure adjointe  ou professeur adjoint en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire menant à la permanence  au Département de biologie de la Faculté des sciences. Une nomination à un rang professoral  supérieur est possible pour les candidates ou candidats ayant une expérience appropriée. Les  candidates et candidats doivent avoir un solide dossier de publications, faire preuve d'une bonne  capacité à enseigner et établir un programme de recherche original financé par des fonds  externes. Les candidats et candidates désirant mener un programme de recherche indépendant  dans tous les aspects touchant à la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire eucaryote sont invités à  soumettre leur dossier. 

    Nous cherchons plus particulièrement à renforcer la capacité de recherche du Département de  biologie dans deux domaines : 

    Profil Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire - génétique fonctionnelle (criblages pan-génome, analyses  structure-fonction haut-débit, etc), biologie cellulaire, biologie des systèmes, biologie synthétique,  biologie structurale, bioinformatique et/ou en technologies ‘omiques. 

    Profil Biologie moléculaire des plantes – la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire des systèmes  végétaux, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la génétique, le phénotypage, la biologie cellulaire, la  bioinformatique, la biologie structurelle, les technologies ‘omiques.

    À propos de l’Université de Sherbrooke 

    Établissement de renommée internationale, l'Université de Sherbrooke est le cœur d'un des trois  pôles majeurs d'enseignement et de recherche du Québec (top 10 du financement de la recherche  au Canada en 2023). Reconnue pour ses innovations pédagogiques, ses programmes axés sur la  pratique, son régime d'alternance études-travail et ses approches innovantes en développement  durable, l'Université de Sherbrooke est également un partenaire de premier plan des  gouvernements supérieurs et régionaux pour favoriser le développement social, culturel et  économique. 

    Des plateformes de calibre mondial en protéomique, RNomique, génomique et purification de  protéines sont à la disposition des chercheurs et un accès privilégié au super-calculateur  Mammouth permet l'analyse haut-débit des données générées par ces technologies. 

    La Faculté des sciences a récemment réalisé d'importants investissements dans les infrastructures  de recherche en biologie végétale, notamment la construction d'une serre de recherche et  l'acquisition d'une plateforme automatisée de phénotypage végétal. 

    L'UdeS emploie quelque 8 200 personnes. Elle accueille 31 000 étudiantes et étudiants et quelque  8 400 personnes inscrites à l'Université du troisième âge. Elle compte plus de 3 000 étudiantes et  étudiants internationaux en provenance de 104 pays et territoires. Avec ses 416 programmes  d'études, elle offre une formation à tous les cycles et dans tous les grands secteurs de l'activité  humaine. 

    Située dans les Cantons-de-l'Est au Québec, Sherbrooke offre une diversité d'options de vie  accueillantes, abordables et familiales. 


    • Enseigner aux trois cycles d'études. 
    • Développer des activités de recherche fondamentale et appliquée. 
    • Encadrer des étudiantes et étudiants aux études supérieures. 
    • Participer à la vie universitaire. 
    • Contribuer au service à la collectivité. 


    • Détenir un diplôme universitaire de 3e cycle et de l'expérience postdoctorale pertinente  attestée par un excellent dossier de publications. 
    • Avoir la capacité de mener un programme de recherche indépendant, financé par des  sources externes.
    • Avoir un intérêt marqué et de bonnes aptitudes pour l'enseignement, la pédagogie  universitaire ainsi que pour la recherche, le développement et l'innovation. 
    • Démontrer une bonne capacité à diriger des étudiantes et étudiants aux cycles supérieurs. 
    • Avoir un dossier de publications dans des revues à comité de lecture de niveau  international, attestant de l'excellence du dossier de recherche. 
    • Démontrer des habiletés à établir et maintenir de bonnes relations interpersonnelles, un  sens de la collaboration et des habiletés au travail d'équipe. 
    • Démontrer des qualités de leadership, d'initiative et d'excellentes capacités à communiquer  et à interagir efficacement et harmonieusement avec divers partenaires internes et externes. 
    • Être en mesure de se conformer aux exigences liées à la conduite responsable en  recherche. 
    • Avoir voir la capacité d'enseigner en français ou d'atteindre cette capacité rapidement. Un  programme institutionnel d'aide à l'apprentissage est proposé à tous les membres du corps  professoral désireux d'apprendre le français. 

    Conditions de travail 

    Les conditions de travail sont régies par la convention collective en vigueur. 

    Poste régulier à temps complet. 

    Date d'entrée en fonction : 2 septembre 2024. 

    Équité, diversité et inclusion 

    L'Université de Sherbrooke valorise la diversité, l'égalité, l'équité et l'inclusion en emploi au sein de  sa communauté et invite toutes les personnes qualifiées à soumettre leur candidature, en  particulier les femmes, les membres de minorités visibles et ethniques, les Autochtones et les  personnes handicapées relativement au Programme d'accès à l'égalité en emploi (PAEE). Les  outils de sélection peuvent être adaptés selon les besoins des personnes handicapées qui en font  la demande, et ce, en toute confidentialité. L'Université de Sherbrooke encourage également les  personnes de toutes orientations sexuelles et identités de genre à postuler. La priorité devra être  accordée aux Canadiennes et Canadiens et aux résidentes permanentes et résidents  permanents. Pour en savoir plus sur l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion à l'UdeS.


    Voyez sur notre site Internet la description complète de toutes nos offres d’emploi et soumettez  votre candidature en ligne. Pour cet emploi, voir l’offre 06800

    Lien direct : https://www.usherbrooke.ca/emplois/offre/no/06800 

    Date limite pour postuler : 15 mars 2024, à 17 h 

    L'analyse des candidatures débutera le 15 mars 2024 et se poursuivra jusqu'à ce que le poste soit  pourvu. 

    Veuillez joindre votre curriculum vitae, une (1) lettre de motivation et un résumé de deux (2) pages  de votre programme de recherche actuel et de comment il pourrait se développer à l'Université de  Sherbrooke. De plus, veuillez faire parvenir 3 lettres de recommandation par courriel, en  provenance directement des signataires, aux coordonnées ci-dessous :: 

    Madame la Doyenne 

    Faculté des sciences 

    Offre d'emploi no 06800 

    Université de Sherbrooke 

    2500, boulevard de l’Université 

    Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 

    Courriel : DoyenneSci@USherbrooke.ca

  • 26 Jan 2024 12:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Job Summary: 

    The Department of Biology invites applications for one permanent full-time, tenure-track Faculty  position. We are seeking applicants who have expertise in the field of plant biology.  

    The successful applicant will be expected to teach a wide variety of courses including first year biology  (BIO111, BIO112), but their main teaching responsibilities will be second year core courses such as  Biochemistry and Metabolism (BIO201), Cellular Signaling and Regulation of Gene Expression (BIO202)  and/or Genetics (BIO220) along with teaching existing upper-level courses such as plant physiology  (BIO308) and expanding our fourth-year plant biology offerings.  

    We seek broadly trained applicants who share our passion for, and commitment to, excellence in  undergraduate teaching in a student-centered environment and who successfully integrate their  scholarship into their teaching. Applicants must have exceptional communication and teaching skills; a  demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level; and demonstrable willingness and  ability to develop an externally funded research program to provide research opportunities for  undergraduate students. Areas of interest in terms of research agenda are open but preference will be  given to applicants with experience conducting research with undergraduate students with access to  standard field or lab equipment. The successful applicant will be expected to actively participate in  departmental activities, service, events, and initiatives. Interest in participating in community outreach,  pursuing professional development activities, and Indigenization in the biology classroom are  considered as additional assets. 

    The mission of the Biology Department at the University of the Fraser Valley is to provide students with  a unique appreciation and understanding of the living world. We incorporate a student-centered focus  to our courses and deliver a practical hands-on approach to learning. Small class discussions, student  presentations, as well as scientific experimentation and analysis are integral to our courses and provide  essential skills for our students. We also explore ways to incorporate Indigenous ways of understanding  and sharing scientific ideas in the classroom. 


    Applicants must have completed a PhD in Plant Biology or a closely related discipline. Applicants must  have demonstrated teaching experience at the University level. Priority will be given to candidates with  teaching expertise in similar courses as those listed in this job posting. 

    Applicants should submit the following through the application link below: 

    A Cover Letter 

    A recently updated curriculum vitae 

    A one-page summary of teaching philosophy including (if available) examples of innovative  approaches to teaching and course design 

    A one-page summary of proposed research program or scholarly activity to be done at UFV  (ideally including undergraduate students) 

    A recent teaching evaluation  

    Separately, we ask that three letters of references (PDF) be sent directly by referees to  Biologyhires@ufv.ca, with the name of the candidate in the email subject.

    Application link:  


    About UFV: 

    The University of the Fraser Valley is located on the traditional territory of the Halq'eméylem-speaking  peoples. We express our gratitude and respect for the honour of living and working in Stó:lō Tém:éxw  (Stó:lō Land; Stó:lō World). In all that we do, UFV strives to support and honour the Stó:lō peoples goals  of self-determination and well-being on these lands. A commitment to Indigenization and Reconciliation  is core to our institutional Vision and Integrated Strategic Plan: IYAQAWTXW — which means House of  Transformation. This commitment includes the goal of centering Indigenous ways of knowing  throughout our organization, recognizing our responsibilities to community, and a multi-year plan to  increase the number of Indigenous faculty, staff, and administrators working at UFV. 

    UFV has four campus locations within the beautiful Fraser Valley in British Columbia. Recognized as one  of BC's top employers, UFV offers a combination of career and lifestyle benefits. Join a team of 1,400  passionate professionals who value integrity, inclusivity and excellence. At UFV, you will serve a vibrant  community, and shape the future of 15,000 students. 

    Indigenization, equity, and diversity are essential to our work as a university. A diverse community  fosters the inclusion of voices that have been historically underrepresented and marginalized. At UFV,  we are committed to recruiting a diverse workforce that represents the community we proudly serve.  We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, members of groups that experience discrimination  due to race, colour, place of origin, ancestry, and/or religion, persons who identify as women and  2SLGBTQ+, and persons with disabilities. We invite applicants to complete a confidential self identification survey as part of the application process. All questions are voluntary, with an option to  decline to answer. Information will be used to support efforts to broaden the diversity of the  recruitment process, and results are not shared with the selection committee. Inquiries about the  survey may be directed to careers@ufv.ca. Learn more about our commitment to diversity and  inclusion. 

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be  given priority. In an effort to be both environmentally and fiscally responsible, UFV will contact only  candidates receiving an interview. We thank all applicants for considering UFV for employment.  Shortlisted applicants may be required to undergo a criminal record check and/ or a verification of their  education credentials. 

    UFV is committed to the principle of equity in employment.

  • 25 Jan 2024 15:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Assistant Professor - Plant Pathology

    The Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences (PFES) in the Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture invites applications from qualified candidates for a full- time, tenure stream faculty position in Plant Pathology at the Assistant Professor rank. The successful candidate will commence July 1, 2024 (or negotiable) and contribute to Teaching (40%), Research (40%) and Service (20%) responsibilities. 

    The successful candidate is expected to develop a productive, innovative, and competitively funded research program working in plant pathology that is recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally. Potential areas of interest include but are not limited to:

    (i) Epidemiological approaches using spatial/temporal digital technologies and data analytics,

    (ii) Omics approaches applied to plant pathology,

    (iii) Host-pathogen interactions within the context of changing environments,

    (iv) Applying artificial intelligence and smart technologies, to study pathogens and identify management solutions,

    (v) Disease management and development of agroecological solutions that improve crop resilience, and/or

    (vi) Post-harvest pathogen management.

    The successful applicant will:

    • Have Ph.D. or equivalent degree in plant pathology, ecology, epidemiology, or related field (degree must be awarded by start of appointment)
    • Have a record of independent research in plant pathology or a closely related discipline with application to Plant Pathology as demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals or demonstrate potential for a strong research publication record.
    • Demonstrate an ability or potential to acquire research funding through grant-writing and will be evaluated on their potential to develop a strong externally funded program, including Tri-Council (https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca) funding.
    • Show evidence of their potential to become an international leader in the field of Plant Pathology. We seek a team-player and team-builder who can forge synergies within and between academia, government research institutions, industry, and other stakeholders within and beyond the Atlantic Region.
    • Demonstrate experience or potential to teach effectively at the undergraduate level.
    • Ideally have completed (and show evidence for) at least some professional development related to teaching.
    • Be a clear and stimulating communicator who can inspire students of all levels, support Faculty initiatives, and participate in growing the reputation of the Faculty and University.

    A complete application package for this position should include:

    • A cover letter summarizing qualifications and experience relevant to this position (maximum of 2 pages)
    • A detailed CV
    • A prospective research plan (maximum of 2 pages)
    • A statement of teaching interests and philosophy, including a brief summary of experience and training (maximum of 2 pages), with details of training and teaching experience to be listed in the c.v.
    • An explanation of how equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility (EDIA) will be integrated and promoted in both the research and teaching program (1 page)
    • Reprints of up to three publications authored or co-authored related to Plant Pathology or closely related disciplines
    • Names, addresses and emails of three references (Applicants selected for further consideration will be notified before referees are contacted.)

    For further information regarding this position, please contact the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Andrew Hammermeister, Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture: andrew.hammermeister@dal.ca. Applications for this position must be made through Dalhousie’s online portal via this posting (https://dal.peopleadmin.ca/postings/15185).

  • 25 Jan 2024 12:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    About UVic 

    For over 60 years, UVic has proven its unwavering commitment to providing an excellent student experience in  a supportive teaching and learning environment, to partnering with communities, and to pursuing research and  creative activities that make an impact, both locally and globally. We are prepared to face a changing world with  renewed commitment, enthusiasm, compassion and humility.  

    Inspired by and honouring place, we are a community-minded, globally engaged university where we transform  ideas into meaningful impact. 

    Territory Acknowledgement 

    We acknowledge and respect the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples on whose traditional territory the  university stands and whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We invite applicants to  watch the “Welcome to the Territory” video and to visit the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ Nations’  websites to learn more about these vibrant communities. To learn more about the Indigenous community on  campus, please see the Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) office’s website. 

    Indigenization and Decolonization at UVic 

    The University of Victoria is committed to the ongoing work of decolonizing and Indigenizing the campus  community both inside and outside the classroom. UVic released our second Indigenous Plan in 2023 and the  Faculty of Science has drafted its Indigenization Implementation Strategy (2022-2026) as we prepare ourselves  for the work ahead. Decolonization and Indigenization are integral aspects of the 2023 UVic Strategic Plan and  the 2022 Faculty of Science Strategic Plan

    To advance our work on Indigenization and decolonization, the Faculty of Science is excited to invite  Indigenous applicants for three faculty positions in any field of Science. The three available positions are at the tenure-track assistant professor level and are cross-posted across our six departments: Biochemistry &  Microbiology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, and Physics & Astronomy

    UVic has a vibrant Indigenous community with over 1,400 Indigenous students as of 2023 and over 65  Indigenous faculty. In 2022, Qwul’sih’yah’maht, Dr. Robina Thomas was appointed as the first Vice President  Indigenous and she is leading the work of decolonization at UVic. In the same year, Marion Buller, renowned  legal scholar and the first First Nations woman to be appointed as a judge in British Columbia, has been  appointed chancellor of the University of Victoria. Not surprisingly, UVic has been ranked #1 in Canada for  promoting Indigenous visibility (Maclean’s 2022). 

    The Faculty of Science at UVic 

    The six departments in the Faculty of Science at UVic host over 140 research-active faculty members, 400  graduate students and several dozen professional researchers and support staff. All of us are deeply committed  to diversification across our ranks, particularly, although not limited to people who are Indigenous, racialized,  disabled, and/or have marginalized sexualities and gender identities. 

    We educate 3000 undergraduate students in 30 different degree programs, and confer degrees from the  bachelor to doctoral level. The Faculty of Science also supports six research centres - from forest biology to particle physics – and is host to 12 Canada Research Chairs. The University of Victoria is ranked #3 in the world  for climate action (2023 THE Impact Rankings), and UVic is ranked 5th in Canada and #220 globally for research  impact across all sciences (2023 Times Higher Education). All high rankings are in no small part due to the  research and education conducted by researchers and instructors in our six departments.  The UVic Faculty of Science is the destination of choice for curious minds. 


    The Faculty of Science invites applications from Indigenous scholars for three tenure-track positions at the rank  of Assistant Professor to commence as soon as possible. 

    Qualified candidates will have: 

    • A PhD degree in either life sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, or related discipline; or expect to  obtain that degree soon (“all but dissertation”). 
    • Potential to develop an impactful, independent research program as demonstrated for example through  high-quality research shared through outlets such as academic publications, interdisciplinary projects,  and community-based projects. 
    • A commitment to undergraduate and graduate education (such as supervision/mentorship) including
      • potential to develop and teach courses. 
      • potential to implement new teaching initiatives. 
      • potential to supervise diverse personnel effectively and create an equitable and inclusive  working environment. 
    • Record of, or potential for excellence in teaching, mentoring and advising at both the undergraduate  and graduate levels. 
    • A record, potential, or desire to support Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in teaching and learning,  including a potential to supervise diverse research personnel effectively and create an equitable and  inclusive working environment. 
    • A positive attitude about collaborating and participating in activities across the department, faculties  and universities. 
    • Demonstrated respect for different opinions and consideration for different point of views. 

    The following are considered assets:  

    • The candidate has interest, potential or experience in either (a) working with Indigenous ways of  knowing, or (b) in infusing Indigenous science approaches and perspectives into science. 
    • Postdoctoral experience is desirable. 
    • Potential for, and interest in mentorship, representation, and guidance of Indigenous students. 
    • Potential for, and interest in land and water-based teaching, community-engaged scholarship,  Indigenous scholarship, and engaging with UVic’s First Peoples House.  
    • Record of, potential for, and interest in improving the participation of underrepresented groups in  science. 
    • Potential for, and interest in implementing new teaching initiatives including land, water, and  community-engaged teaching. 

    In accordance with the University’s Equity Plan and pursuant to section 42 of the BC Human Rights Code, the selection will be limited to Indigenous peoples. Our search committee will review the pool of applications from  those who self-identify with this designated group. Candidates from this group must self-identify in their cover  letter to be considered for this position.

    The candidate's qualifications, experience, overall market demand, discipline, and the unit appointed to will  determine a candidate’s final salary offer. The salary for this position includes a competitive salary range of  $102,380 - $143,204. UVic is committed to offering an equitable and competitive salary, inclusive of a generous  benefits package, eligible leaves, and pension plan. 


    To be considered please send: 

    • a cover letter that addresses the full scope of the job requirements and includes Indigenous self identification,  
    • a curriculum vitae,  
    • a brief statement of interest in engaging with Indigenous knowledge and research
    • a statement on equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization.  
    • appropriate evidence of research (for example, up to five publications or equivalent work – either  completed or in progress), 
    • a brief teaching dossier containing e.g. teaching philosophy, syllabi of courses taught, and/or teaching  interests,  
    • contact information for four references. 

    Application packages should be addressed to Dr. Peter Loock, Dean, Faculty of Science (scieoff@uvic.ca) and will  be reviewed starting from March 4th, 2024. Applications will be accepted until all three positions are filled. 

    Please note that reference and background checks, including credential and degree verification, may be  undertaken as part of this recruitment process. 

    UVic is committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our living, learning and work  environments. In pursuit of our values, we seek members who will work respectfully and constructively with  differences and across levels of power. We actively encourage applications from members of groups experiencing barriers to equity, and in particular we are seeking for this Limited Hire search candidates who  are Indigenous. 

    Read our full equity statement here: www.uvic.ca/equitystatement 

    The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate’s record of  research achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their application the impact that career  interruptions have had on their record.  

    Persons with disabilities, who anticipate needing accommodation for any part of the application and hiring  process, may contact Faculty Relations and Academic Administration in the Office of the VP Academic and  Provost at FRrecruit@uvic.ca. Any personal information provided will be maintained in confidence. 

    Faculty and Librarians at the University of Victoria are governed by the provisions of the Collective Agreement.  Members are represented by the University of Victoria Faculty Association (www.uvicfa.ca). 

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; if you are neither a Canadian citizen or permanent resident,  please indicate if you are authorized to work in Canada and be prepared to provide a copy of your permit  authorizing same.

  • 18 Jan 2024 12:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Integrative Wildlife Conservation lab at Trent University is offering a PhD project on the application of remote sensing technologies for assessing the state of boreal forest structure and dynamics near Kluane Lake, Yukon. For decades, Canada lynx and their prey have been studied intensively in the Kluane region, and the new project extends this work into the realm of vegetation and snow dynamics in this rapidly-changing northern landscape. Using an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with LiDAR, multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal and RGB cameras, and combined with archived satellite data for the region, we will investigate several of the following questions: 1) patterns of forest productivity, regeneration, and phenology across space and time; 2) sources of forest heterogeneity and resiliency to climate change; 3) spatial mapping of wildlife habitat and resources; and 4) snow condition variation and its implications on forest structure and wildlife habitat availability. In addition, this project provides several opportunities and potential collaborations related to: 5) validating new remote sensing tools for forest health and snow condition assessment; 6) forecasting future boreal forest dynamics under climate change; and 7) relating forest characteristics to the movements and habitat selection of Canada lynx and snowshoe hares that are radio-collared on site. The PhD student will have the opportunity to develop specific research questions within the scope of the larger project. 

    Successful candidates MUST have an MSc in Ecology, Remote Sensing, or related field, demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications, strong field and quantitative skills, GIS and related analysis, and an interest in working collaboratively within a large and diverse research group. Additional desirable skills include experience in drone operation and working in remote field conditions. 

    To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references to: Dennis Murray (dennismurray@trentu.ca). 

    For additional details, see www.dennismurray.ca.

    The start date is May 2024 or September 2024. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. 

  • 18 Jan 2024 12:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    PictureThe Integrative Wildlife Conservation lab at Trent University, in collaboration with the Lithops Research and Conservation Foundation, is offering a unique PhD project on the eco-evolutionary and conservation dynamics of Lithops spp., a genus of small succulent plants occurring across desert landscapes in southern Africa. In the wild, Lithops are susceptible to human collection, habitat loss and climate change, and currently there are important knowledge gaps related to Lithops phylogeny and ecology that are impacting rigorous conservation status assessment and protection. The project involves several critical facets that are available for integration into a PhD thesis, including: 1) Genome sequencing to support re-assessment of Lithops phylogeny and evolutionary linkages; 2) Hyperspectral imaging to assess plant health and composition in relation to local environmental conditions; 3) Remote sensing to determine habitat suitability needs and potential for recolonization; 4) Population and meta-population viability analysis to assess scenarios for long-term persistence; and 5) Species distribution modeling to better understand potential responses of populations to climate change. The model for fieldwork will be L. schwantesii, which is among the most widespread and best-studied Lithops species; fieldwork is conducted in Namibia. The PhD student will have the opportunity to develop specific research questions within the scope of the larger project. 

    Successful candidates MUST have an MSc in Ecology, Conservation Biology, or related field, demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications, strong lab and field skills, and an interest in working collaboratively within a large and diverse research group. Additional desirable qualifications include DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, remote sensing and GIS analysis, and working in remote field conditions.  

    To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references to: Dennis Murray (dennismurray@trentu.ca). 

    For additional details, see www.dennismurray.ca and www.lithopsfoundation.com.

    The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. 

  • 12 Jan 2024 14:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Weraduwage Lab in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry, Bishop’s University, focuses on discovering strategies to enhance plant growth, productivity and resilience to stress under future climate conditions. They are seeking an M.Sc. student interested in carrying out research spanning the fields of Plant Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry. 

    The successful applicant will investigate novel roles of isoprene, a volatile hemiterpene produced by some plants. Isoprene has been found to protect plants from heat and oxidative stress (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC6501071/), and is predicted to have an important role in controlling plant resilience to stress under climate change. The selected student will be involved in growing Arabidopsis plants and fumigating with isoprene, cell fractionation and organelle isolation, protein isolation and quantification, western blotting, and proteomics analyses. Prior research experience will be an asset but is not required. 

    This M.Sc. position will be funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). The selected candidate will receive a stipend of CA $18,000 per year for two years. Students are also expected to apply for internal and external grants.  

    Canadian citizens and permanent residents including applicants from underrepresented groups, are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have completed a B.Sc. degree in Biology or Biochemistry before starting this position. Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, transcripts (unofficial), and contact information of two references. Please email applications to Dr. Sarathi Weraduwage (sweraduw@ubishops.ca). Expected start date is Summer, 2024. 

    Bishop’s University implements an equal access employment / program under the Act respecting equal access to employment in public bodies and welcomes applicants who are committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and who will assist us expand our capacity for diversity and inclusion. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including Indigenous peoples, visible and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, women and LGBTQ2+.

  • 24 Dec 2023 13:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center CRC 1644 “Phenotypic plasticity in plants – mechanisms, constraints and evolution”, hosted at the University of Potsdam jointly with its partner institutions MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam, Hasso Platt-ner Institute Potsdam, IGZ Großbeeren, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and University of Co-logne, invites applications for 30 PhD student and 2 post-doctoral positions in the field of plant phenotypic plasticity, with a focus on quantitative genetics, cell, develop-mental and molecular biology, physiology, plant ecology, metabolomics, and computational modelling.

    We offer 30 PhD and 2 postdoc positions in plant biology and related disciplines thanks to our new DFG-funded CRC1644 – Phenotypic Plasticity of Plants. We offer interdisciplinary PhD projects merging quantitative biology & genetics, cell & developmental biology, plant physiology & ecology, microscopy, metabolomics, and computational modeling & automated image analysis.

    Your research benefits from our modern plant growth & imaging facilities and the excellent scientific infrastructure. Guidance through your PhD by experienced international researchers who are leaders in their disciplines. Don’t miss your chance to join our team of young and international scientists and help shape the rapidly evolving research field of plant plasticity.

    The approved first funding period for CRC 1644 is from 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2027. Employment is thus possible for up to 45 months. The positions will be located at the University of Potsdam or one of the partner institutions named above.

    Plants have colonised almost every habitat on Earth. A major feature that has enabled this success is the remarkable ability of plants to adjust their growth and development to variable environments. The ability of a given genotype to generate different phenotypes in different environments is termed phenotypic plasticity. Such plasticity is a universal feature of life, and understanding its molecular basis and evolution is a fundamental goal in biology that forms the focus of CRC 1644.

    To achieve this goal, our consortium integrates genetics, cell and devel-opmental biology, physiology, evolutionary biology, functional ecology, computational biology and mathematical modeling. We strive for a step-change in our understanding of plant pheno-typic plasticity as an evolving trait of critical importance for crop breeding and to the fate of plant populations under environmental change.

    CRC 1644 provides an outstanding research infrastructure including a large interdisciplinary network of researchers, state-of-the-art facilities, and funding opportunities for conference vis-its, summer schools, hosting international experts, and acquistion of soft skills. CRC 1644 strives to increase the proportion of women in STEM research.

    The PhD student positions are available in projects A1 to B7, as indicated on the website. The post-doctoral positions are in computational biology in project Z2.


    Positions will be offered according to the public sector payscale TV-L E13 grade, with 65% positions for PhD students and 100% positions for post-doctoral researchers. For a rough, legally non-binding estimate of how much this would be for you, please consult the following calculator: https://lohntastik.de/od-rechner/tv-salary-calculator/TV-L/E-13/1

    Your Application:

    Your application should include a CV, a letter of motivation stating the positions (with position IDs) you are applying for and explaining why you wish to pursue a PhD and why you have chosen the respective projects to apply for, relevant certificates, names and addresses for two academic referees, and the completed form that you can find here for download: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/ppp/job-portal/jobs.  Please apply by the deadline of 31.01.2024 via email to mailcrc1644@uni-potsdam.de .

    For more information on: the scientific framework of this call, individual projects, respective open positions and terms of employment, candidate responsibilities and required qualifications and online application procedure …visit http://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/ppp/.

  • 22 Dec 2023 19:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Saint Mary's University

    Location: Nova Scotia

    Date posted: 2023-12-08

    Advertised until: 2024-02-06

    Posting Deadline: 19 January 2024

    At Saint Mary’s University, you will be surrounded by a talented and dedicated team of professionals committed to accessibility, diversity, and the provision of a positive and supportive learning environment. We recognize the importance of the contribution and growth of each individual in the University’s success. We are currently looking to fill the position of Tier 2 Canada Research Chair to join our Biology Department team.

    Job Information and Responsibilities
    The Biology Department at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) is seeking an emerging scholar as a candidate for a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 2 appointment in Global Change Biology. We aim to nominate a candidate for this position who takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the impacts of human activities, including climate change, land-use change, biodiversity loss, and other global environmental changes on the biology of organisms. The successful applicant will be nominated by the University for a CRC Tier 2 and, upon approval by the CRC Secretariat, be offered a tenure-track faculty appointment at either the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. The SMU Faculty Union’s collective agreement with the university, which outlines salary scales and other elements associated with the faculty role, may be reviewed here:

    The Faculty of Science, which houses the Biology Department, has undergone significant renewal, with many new and active faculty involved in teaching and research. Our facilities have been renewed and all spaces within the Faculty of Science have been renovated and upgraded. We are working to establish and build upon areas of distinct research strength and through those foster collaborations locally, regionally, and internationally – this is reflected in our renewed Strategic Research Plan (https://news.smu.ca/research-plan), with this Global Change Biologist supporting the identified Major Theme of Climate Change and the Environment.

    The Biology Department supports 11 full-time faculty engaged in externally-funded research programs with expertise spanning cellular biology and genetics to physiology, behavioural ecology, and ecosystem restoration. With many of our faculty investigating indirect effects of climate change – such as habitat loss and environmental contamination at various levels of biological organization (e.g., genetics, physiology, ecological communities) – the addition of a dedicated Global Change Biology research program that directly addresses the impacts of climate change on organisms will round out the department’s research profile and enrich existing inter-departmental synergy.

    This Global Change Biologist will improve the representation of scientists from historically excluded groups. Therefore, in alignment with SMU’s CRC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan (https://www.smu.ca/fgsr/fgsr-canada-research-chairs-program.html), this position is designated for members of the following equity-deserving groups as defined by CRC: racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups. Only candidates that self-identify as belonging to one of these groups will be considered. Candidates will be provided opportunity to self-identify following submission of their application.

    Experience and Education Requirements
    In accordance with the regulations for the Canada Research Chairs (https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx), the successful candidate who will be nominated for the CRC Tier 2 appointment must be within 10 years of receiving their Ph.D. at the time of nomination. The successful candidate will be an emerging scholar who has a demonstrated research productivity and potential to achieve international recognition within the next 5-10 years. The appointee will be expected to establish an independent, creative, and high-impact research program based on external research funding within the general area of Global Change Biology.

    Saint Mary’s University recognizes the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate’s record of research achievement. Potential candidates are encouraged to explain within their application the impact that career interruptions have had on their record, and to submit a full career or extended CV to a chairholder position in cases where they have had career interruptions.

    Application Details
    To apply for this opportunity, qualified candidates should submit an application package consisting of:

    1. A cover letter outlining how the applicant’s background aligns with the desired qualifications, and which of the Department’s current course offerings the applicant would most like to teach
    2. An up-to-date curriculum vitae
    3. A research statement including:
      • A summary of the applicant’s three most significant contributions to research (publications/presentations/reports/patents on a specific subject can be grouped into one contribution; maximum of 2 pages),
      • A short-term (5 years) and longer-term research plan (maximum of 2 pages)
    4. A teaching dossier that includes evidence of teaching effectiveness with student evaluations of past teaching (if available)
    5. The names, addresses, and email contacts of three persons that are best able to describe the applicant’s suitability for this position

    Please send application packages as a single pdf file to Dr. Laura Weir, Biology Department Chairperson (laura.weir@smu.ca).

    We appreciate all applications and note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls or email messages please.

    At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. If you require accommodations during the recruitment process, please contact Human Resources at hr@smu.ca 

    About Saint Mary’s University
    Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primarily undergraduate universities—known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits.

  • 13 Dec 2023 14:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Milieu de vie privilégié au cœur de la ville de Québec et première université francophone en Amérique du Nord, l’Université Laval est une grande université ouverte sur le monde et reconnue pour sa culture de l’excellence en enseignement et en recherche. Grâce au Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt de la Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique, l’Université Laval est la seule institution universitaire au Québec à offrir des programmes de 1er cycle en foresterie et en génie du bois menant à l’Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec ou à l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. Le Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt est également responsable du baccalauréat intégré multi-facultaire en environnements naturels et aménagés et du seul programme gradué en agroforesterie au Canada. Il compte 35 professeures ou professeurs et enseignantes ou enseignants à temps plein, cinq chaires de recherche, trois chaires de leadership en enseignement, un consortium de recherche, deux centres de recherche et plus de 500 étudiantes et étudiants de 1 er, 2e et 3e cycles. Les collaborations avec les départements de géographie et de sciences géomatiques, de même qu’avec ceux des autres facultés de l’Université Laval, offrent des occasions intéressantes de recherche multidisciplinaire.

    Description du poste

    Conformément à son plan de développement, le Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt est à la recherche d’une professeure ou d’un professeur en écologie forestière et de la restauration. La personne recrutée devra enseigner en français à tous les cycles, appuyer les différents programmes du département, en particulier ceux du baccalauréat en aménagement et environnement forestiers et du baccalauréat intégré en environnements naturels et aménagés, et développer un programme de recherche dans les domaines ciblés. Plus précisément, les activités d’enseignement et de recherche porteront sur les domaines suivants:

    1. Écologie forestière en lien avec l’aménagement des environnements forestiers ;
    2. Restauration des écosystèmes ;
    3. Impacts des changements climatiques sur les conditions de croissance et la succession des peuplements forestiers ;
    4. Impacts de la fragmentation par les perturbations naturelles ou anthropiques sur la biodiversité ;
    5. Rétablissement des populations d’espèces à statut précaire après perturbations.

    La tâche comprend :

    1. L’enseignement en français de l’écologie forestière et de la restauration, aux trois cycles universitaires ;
    2. Le développement de matériel pédagogique et didactique ;
    3. L’obtention de financement de recherche auprès d’organismes de subvention et de partenaires externes pour soutenir des travaux de recherche ;
    4. La conduite de travaux de recherche et la direction d’étudiantes et d’étudiants de 2e et 3e cycles sur des sujets reliés aux domaines cités ci-haut ;
    5. La participation à des comités départementaux, facultaires, universitaires et multipartites (avec les secteurs privé et public) ;
    6. Le développement de l’enseignement et de la recherche en écologie forestière à la Forêt Montmorency ou dans une autre partie du domaine forestier de l’Université Laval ; 
    7. Collaborer avec un ou plusieurs groupes de recherche existants à l’Université Laval, tels que le Centre d’étude de la forêt, Silva21, le Centre d’études nordiques et la Chaire de recherche sur l’arbre urbain et son milieu.

    Critères de sélection

    1. Posséder un diplôme de baccalauréat en foresterie, biologie ou dans une discipline connexe et un diplôme de doctorat d’une université reconnue, ou être sur le point de l’obtenir ;
    2. Posséder des compétences particulières dans les deux premiers domaines énumérés de même que démontrer de l’intérêt pour développer un programme de recherche incluant au moins un des trois autres domaines ;
    3. Posséder une connaissance des enjeux reliés à l’écologie forestière et de la restauration au Québec, au Canada ou ailleurs dans le monde ;
    4. Démontrer des aptitudes en pédagogie universitaire et en mobilisation des connaissances ;
    5. Démontrer une capacité à obtenir le financement nécessaire à l’établissement d’un programme de recherche auprès d’organismes subventionnaires publics ou privés ;
    6. Présenter une vision pour le poste en matière de pédagogie universitaire et de recherche et proposer des actions concrètes pour la réaliser.

    Traitement et conditions d’emploi : selon la convention collective en vigueur.

    Période d’affichage : du 4 décembre 2023 au 3 février 2024

    Date prévue d’entrée en fonction : 3 septembre 2024

    Valorisant la diversité, l’Université invite toutes les personnes qualifiées à présenter leur candidature, en particulier les femmes, les membres de minorités visibles et ethniques, les Autochtones et les personnes handicapées. La priorité sera toutefois accordée aux personnes ayant le statut de citoyen canadien ou de résident permanent.

    L’université Laval étant une université francophone, l’annexe B de la convention collective stipule que la professeure ou le professeur qui n’a pas le français comme langue maternelle doit, dans un délai prescrit, démontrer une compétence langagière fonctionnelle du français oral et écrit.

    Toute personne intéressée est priée de faire parvenir par courriel une lettre d’intérêt, un document d’une à deux pages décrivant sa vision et sa philosophie de l’enseignement universitaire à tous les cycles et de la recherche, un curriculum vitæ incluant une liste de publications et le nom de trois personnes en référence au plus tard le 3 février 2024 à 17h00 à :


    Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt

    Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique

    Université Laval

    Québec (Québec) 

    Canada G1V 0A6

    Téléphone : 1-418-656-2131 poste 407128

    Courrier électronique : direction-foresterie@sbf.ulaval.ca


    A privileged living environment in the heart of Quebec City and the first French-language university in North America, Université Laval is a major university open to the world and recognized for its culture of excellence in teaching and research. Thanks to the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences of the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics, Université Laval is the only university in Quebec to offer undergraduate programs in forestry and wood engineering leading to the Quebec Order of Forest Engineers or to the Quebec Order of Engineers. The Department of Wood and Forest Sciences is also responsible for the integrated multi-faculty bachelor's degree in natural and managed environments and the only graduate program in agroforestry in Canada. It has 35 full-time professors and lecturers, five research chairs, three teaching leadership chairs, a research consortium, two research centers and over 500 undergraduate and graduate students. Collaborations with the Departments of Geography and Geomatics, as well as with other faculties at Université Laval, offer interesting opportunities for multidisciplinary research.

    Job Description

    In accordance with its development plan, the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences is seeking a professor in forest ecology and restoration. The successful candidate will be expected to teach in French at all levels, support the various departmental programs, in particular the bachelor's degree in forest management and environment and the bachelor’s degree in natural and managed environments, and develop a research program in the targeted areas. Specifically, teaching and research activities will focus on the following areas:

    1. Forest ecology in relation to managed forest environments.
    2. Ecosystem restoration.
    3. Climate change impacts on the growth and succession of forest stands.
    4. Fragmentation impacts on biodiversity caused by natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
    5. 5. Reestablishment of fragile populations after disturbance.

    Responsibilities include:

    1. Teaching forest ecology and restoration in French at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
    2. The development of pedagogical and didactic material.
    3. Obtaining research funding from granting agencies and external partners to support research program.
    4. Conducting research and supervising graduate students on topics related to the above fields.
    5. Participating in departmental, faculty, university, and multi-stakeholder (private and public sector) committees.
    6. The development of teaching and research in forest ecology at the Forêt Montmorency Experimental Forest or in another part of the forested lands of Université Laval.
    7. Collaborate with one or more existing research groups at Université Laval, such as the Centre for Forest Research, Silva21, the Centre for Northern Studies and the Research Chair on Urban Trees and their Environment.

    Selection Criteria

    1. Possess a bachelor’s degree in forestry, biology or in a related discipline and a doctoral degree from a recognized university or be in the process of obtaining one.
    2. Possess specific skills in the first two areas of expertise listed above, as well as demonstrate interest in developing a research program that includes at least one of the other three areas.
    3. Have knowledge of issues related to forest ecology and restoration in Quebec, Canada or elsewhere in the world.
    4. Demonstrate skills in university-based pedagogy and knowledge mobilization.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to obtain the necessary funding to establish a research program from public or private granting agencies.
    6. Present a vision for the position in terms of university teaching and research and propose concrete actions to achieve it.

    Salary and conditions: According to the collective bargaining agreement.

    Posting period: December 4, 2023 to February 3, 2024

    Expected Start Date: September 3, 2024

    The university values diversity and invites applications from all qualified candidates, particularly women, visible and ethnic minorities, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities. However, priority will be given to those with Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.

    Université Laval being a francophone university, Appendix B of the collective bargaining agreement stipulates that a professor whose mother tongue is not French must, within a prescribed period, demonstrate functional proficiency in oral and written French.

    Interested candidates are urged to send a letter of interest, a one- to two-page document describing their vision and philosophy of undergraduate and graduate teaching and research, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, and the names of three references by February 3, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. to:


    Department of Wood and Forest Sciences

    Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomantics

    Université Laval

    Québec (Québec)

    Canada G1V 0A6

    Telephone: 1-418-656-2131 x407128 

    Email: direction-foresterie@sbf.ulaval.ca

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