Opportunities are shared free of charge which may be of interest to our membership. Contact us at admin@cspb-scbv.ca to have your job added to our job board!

  • 27 Nov 2023 14:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    One postdoctoral fellow and two graduate student positions are available in our plant lipid biotechnology lab (https://plb.ualberta.ca).

    We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow with robust knowledge and experience in plant lipid biochemistry and biology, along with a record of scientific publication. The position involves independently working on projects related to the biochemical, biological, and physiological functions of lipid-associated genes in canola and Arabidopsis. The position will be open until filled.

    The open MSc/PhD positions for Fall 2024 are in the following areas: (1) genetic engineering of oleaginous yeast; and (2) biochemical, biological, and physiological studies of lipid-related genes in canola and Arabidopsis.

    For the MSc positions, candidates are expected to have a BSc degree in related majors and strong knowledge in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetic engineering. For the PhD positions, candidates should hold an MSc degree in a related field and demonstrate strong knowledge and experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, or genetic engineering.

    If you are interested in any of these positions, please reach out to Dr. Gavin Chen (gc24@ualberta.ca) with your CV and research interests. Thank you.

  • 27 Nov 2023 14:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tenure-Track Faculty Position

    Open to rank of Assistant Professor in Weed Biology and Integrated Weed Management

    Faculty: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    Department/School: Plant Science

    Position Description

    The Department of Plant Science of McGill University’s Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences invites applications for a tenure track position at the level of Assistant Professor, in the area of weed biology and integrated weed management.

    McGill’s Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is located on the Macdonald Campus, 30 km from the city of Montreal, where there is a concentration of life sciences and biotechnology companies. The Campus comprises 650 hectares of farm and forested lands, experimental field stations and state-of-the-art student learning facilities (library and computer laboratories). Additional information concerning McGill, its Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Plant Science can be found on their respective web sites (www.mcgill.ca,www.mcgill.ca/macdonald, www.mcgill.ca/plant).

    Job Duties

    The successful candidate is expected to develop a research program with an emphasis on understanding weed biology/ecology in order to develop integrated weed management systems for agronomic and/or horticultural crops. The research program should address how to reduce weed pressure while reducing environmental harms and include state of the art technologies in weed management.

    The incumbent will be responsible for teaching the courses “Pesticides in Agriculture” and “Weed Biology and Control”, which are core courses in the Faculty’s undergraduate program, as well as in graduate courses within her/his area of research expertise. Participation in Departmental, Faculty, and University committees and with provincial, national and international organizations is expected.

    Qualifications and Education Requirements

    Ph.D. in Crop/Plant/Weed Science, Agronomy, Horticulture or related field; track record and demonstrated research excellence; ability to develop research collaborations with both private and public sectors. Knowledge of French is an asset, as is eligibility to obtain a professional certification in agronomy.


    Job Classification: Tenure-track

    Rank: Assistant Professor

    Job Status: Full-time

    Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience

    Application Deadline: Application deadline is December 31, 2023 or until position is filled.

    You may contact philippe.seguin@mcgill.ca if you have any questions.

    McGill University is an English-language university where most teaching and research activities are conducted in the English language, thereby requiring English communication both verbally and in writing.


    Applications must be submitted via McGill’s HR system Workday:

    https://mcgill.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/McGill_Careers/job/Raymond-Building/Assistant- Professor_JR0000046609

    Applying at McGill University - Guide for External Candidates:


    The following supporting documents are required:

    • A cover letter and curriculum vitae
    • A statement of research interest
    • A statement of teaching philosophy
    • The names and contact information of three referees.


    McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

    At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

    McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health-related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate’s record.

    McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and procedures. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence, this email or phone at 514-398-2477.

    All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    Poste professoral menant à la permanence

    Ouvert au rang de professeur adjoint en biologie des mauvaises herbes et lutte intégrée contre les mauvaises herbes

    Faculté : Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement

    Département : Sciences végétales

    Description du poste

    Le Département des sciences végétales de la Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement de l'Université McGill invite les candidats à postuler pour un poste de professeur(e) adjoint(e) pouvant mener à la permanence dans le domaine de la biologie des mauvaises herbes et de la lutte intégrée envers les mauvaises herbes.

    La Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement de l’Université McGill est située sur le campus Macdonald, à 30 km à l’ouest du centre-ville de Montréal. Le campus comprend 650 hectares de terres agricoles et forestières, des stations expérimentales et des installations de pointe pour l'apprentissage des étudiants (bibliothèques et laboratoires informatiques). Des renseignements supplémentaires sur l’Université McGill, la Faculté, et le Département sont disponibles sur leur site internet respectif (www.mcgill.ca, www.mcgill.ca/macdonald, www.mcgill.ca/plant).


    Le candidat retenu devra développer un programme de recherche mettant l'accent sur la connaissance de la biologie/écologie des mauvaises herbes afin de développer des programmes de gestion intégrée des principales mauvaises herbes affectant la production de cultures agronomiques et/ou horticoles. Le programme de recherche devrait porter sur les moyens de réduire la pression exercée par les mauvaises herbes sur les cultures tout en réduisant l’impact environnemental et inclure des technologies de pointe en matière de gestion des mauvaises herbes.

    Le(la) candidat(e) retenu(e) sera responsable d'enseigner les cours " Pesticides en agriculture " et " Biologie et contrôle des mauvaises herbes ", qui sont des cours de base du programme de premier cycle de la Faculté, ainsi qu'à des cours de deuxième cycle dans son domaine d'expertise de recherche. Le(la) candidat(e) retenu(e) devra également participer à des comités du département, de la faculté et de l'université ainsi qu'à des organismes provinciaux, nationaux et internationaux.

    Compétences et formation requises

    Doctorat en biologie végétale, en agronomie, en horticulture ou dans un domaine connexe; excellence démontrée en recherche; capacité à établir des collaborations de recherche avec les secteurs privé et public. La connaissance du français est un atout, tout comme l'admissibilité à l'obtention d'une certification professionnelle en agronomie.


    Type de poste : Poste professoral menant à la permanence

    Rang : Professeur adjoint

    Catégorie de poste : Temps plein

    Salaire : Établi en fonction des qualifications et de l’expérience

    Date limite pour postuler: Le 31 decembre 2023 ou jusqu'à l’embauche d’un candidat

    Vous pouvez contacter philippe.seguin@mcgill.ca si vous avez des questions.

    L'Université McGill est une université de langue anglaise où la plupart des activités d'enseignement et de recherche se déroulent en anglais, ce qui nécessite une communication en anglais, tant à l'oral qu'à l'écrit.


    Les candidatures doivent être soumises par l’entremise du système des Ressources humaines de l’Université (Workday) :


    Postuler à l'Université McGill – Guide pour les candidats (externes ou anciens employés) :


    Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre les documents suivants :

    • une lettre de présentation et un curriculum vitæ;
    • un énoncé sur les intérêts de recherche;
    • un énoncé sur les intérêts d’enseignement;
    • le nom et les coordonnées de trois personnes pouvant fournir des références


    L’Université McGill s’engage fermement à respecter les principes d’équité et de diversité au sein de sa communauté, tout en valorisant la rigueur et l’excellence académiques. Elle accueille favorablement les demandes d’emploi des personnes racisées et des minorités visibles, des femmes, des personnes autochtones, des personnes en situation de handicap, des minorités ethniques, des personnes de toute orientation sexuelle et identité de genre, ainsi que toute personne possédant les aptitudes et les connaissances nécessaires pour interagir au sein de groupes diversifiés.

    McGill valorise et encourage la recherche qui reflète des traditions intellectuelles, des méthodologies ainsi que des modes de dissémination et de traduction diversifiés. Les personnes candidates sont invitées à démontrer la portée de leur recherche, aussi bien au sein de leur champ universitaire que dans un contexte interdisciplinaire, notamment dans les secteurs gouvernemental, communautaire et industriel. En outre, McGill reconnaît et prend équitablement en considération l’incidence des congés (p. ex., obligations familiales ou congés pour raisons de santé), qui peuvent entraîner des interruptions ou des ralentissements de carrière. Quiconque pose sa candidature est encouragé à signaler tout congé ayant eu une incidence sur son rendement et pouvant avoir modifié son parcours de carrière. Ces renseignements seront pris en compte aux fins d’évaluation équitable du dossier.

    L’Université McGill dispose d’un programme d’équité en matière d’emploi et invite les membres des groupes visés à indiquer leur appartenance à ces derniers dans leur dossier de candidature. Elle tient également à s’assurer que les personnes en situation de handicap reçoivent un traitement équitable et puissent pleinement s’intégrer à la vie universitaire en ayant à cœur de mettre en œuvre les principes de conception universelle dans toutes les sphères d’activité de l’Université, conformément aux politiques et procédures relatives aux aménagements. Les personnes en situation de handicap qui pourraient avoir besoin de certains aménagements pour soumettre leur candidature sont invitées à communiquer en toute confidentialité par courriel ou par téléphone au 514-398-2477.

    On encourage tous les candidats qualifiés à postuler; veuillez noter que conformément aux exigences de l’immigration canadienne, la priorité sera toutefois accordée aux personnes détenant la citoyenneté canadienne ainsi que le statut de la résidence permanente 

  • 25 Oct 2023 16:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    About the University & Research Environment

    KU Leuven offers a competitive and international working environment with access to the latest technologies and expertise. KU Leuven is the top ranked university in Belgium, ranks 5th in mainland Europe, and 45th globally (Times Higher Education). KU Leuven has also been ranked the most innovative university in Europe by Thompson Reuters for several years running. Leuven is also one of Europe’s best university towns located only 30 minutes from the EU capital, Brussels and has an international and diverse student community.

    The Division of Crop Biotechnics performs cutting-edge research on crop and model plant species, integrating knowledge at the cellular, tissue, plant, environment, and agro-systems level. The Division consists of six relatively new research groups with a strong expertise in molecular biology, plant pathology, tropical crops, cell biology, secondary metabolism, and plant hormones. The member labs work as a highly integrated team with extensive shared facilities, equipment and expertise and thus provide a very international, collaborative working environment.

    The Laboratory for Experimental Plant Systems Biology (EPSB Lab)

    The Laboratory for Experimental Plant Systems Biology (www.mehta-lab.com) specializes in developing and applying genomics and proteomics technologies in plant systems for a variety of different problems. The lab is currently researching the plant circadian clock as a potential source of genetic variation to address climate-change related challenges in agriculture.


    All multicellular organisms possess internal circadian clocks that allow their physiology to adapt to and anticipate cyclic environmental changes. The plant clock is a complex genetic network consisting of several proteins that bind to the promoter regions of other clock genes (in addition to thousands of other genes) and thus regulate each other. Past genetic studies have uncovered many such regulatory links; however, we still do not understand how exactly clock transcription factors (TFs) act to impact the expression of all their target genes. In this project, the candidate will use plant synthetic biology tools to develop new methods that allow us to precisely identify the protein-protein interactions that direct the functioning of clock TFs. You will then employ these methods to study how these interactions change depending on the location and genomic context of the clock TFs. This will deepen our understanding of the plant clock and potentially lead to the discovery of new roles for many clock TFs under different environmental conditions such as future climates. Ultimately, discovering how clock TFs act under different environments will lead to new targets for crop improvement.

    The project will involve experiments using standardized DNA assembly methods, protein biochemistry, targeted proteomics, and bioinformatics. As a result, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to acquire a range of skills suitable for both academic and industrial careers, including beyond the plant domain. Further, you will be given the freedom to shape the project as you develop scientifically and use the excellent research environment at KU Leuven to realise your own ideas within the project’s context.

    Contact: Prof. dr. Devang Mehta (devang.mehta@kuleuven.be)

    (Please apply by uploading a CV with contact details for 2 references and a cover letter using this link or the QR Code. Please do not upload any additional documents at this stage.)

  • 21 Sep 2023 21:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Applications are invited for a M.Sc. student position in the Department of Biology at the University of Western Ontario ( www.uwo.ca/biology ) starting in January or May 2024. The project aims to improve important traits in forage crops using gene editing approaches. The student will receive training in molecular biology, genetics, genomics, biochemistry, physiology and related areas. The student will conduct research at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Station, which houses state of the art facilities for molecular biology and genomics research, and is within a short distance from the University of Western Ontario campus. Financial support will be provided in accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Biology.

    We are seeking highly motivated candidates who are interested in long term research careers. Candidates must hold a B.Sc. (or are in their final year) in plant sciences, biology, biochemistry, or a related field. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Abdelali Hannoufa at Abdelali.Hannoufa@agr.gc.ca

  • 23 Aug 2023 13:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Joan Laur, researcher-botanist at the Jardin botanique de Montréal and associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at University of Montréal, is looking for 4 students to join her team for a new and big multidisciplinary project starting this winter. The research project will focus on the use of omics technologies to characterize, optimize and reduce GHG emissions from the valorization of agri-food co-products in the context of urban agriculture in Montreal.

    For further details, including project descriptions, eligibility requirements and how to apply, please click here.

  • 10 Aug 2023 13:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A Ph.D. graduate student position is available in Dr. Hong Wang’s lab in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. The research areas are in plant cell cycle regulation and protein ubiquitination (for publications, please see: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=S4vBhvMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate). Building on the past work, there are exciting possibilities for further understanding the functions and regulation of the genes we have been working on, using molecular, cellular and genomics approaches.

    Candidates should have strong academic background with a M. Sc. degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics or a related area of plant science and are highly motivated to do research. If a candidate’s first language is not English, he or she needs to meet the English language proficiency requirements for admission as a graduate student at the University of Saskatchewan

    If you are interested in the position, please send a copy of your CV (listing names of 2-3 references) and brief description of your research interests to:

    Hong Wang (hong.wang@usask.ca)

  • 04 Aug 2023 14:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A funded graduate student position is available to study peptide signaling controlling plant growth and development in the Lee laboratory at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The selected student will combine molecular genetics, biochemistry, imaging, and proteomics to understand how cells interact to control diverse developmental processes in the plant model organisms, Arabidopsis (for dicots) and Brachypodium (for monocots). The student will be under the guidance of Drs. Jin Suk Lee (Concordia) and Jeong Ill Kim (Kumho Life and Environmental Science Laboratory). Please contact Dr. Lee (jinsuk.lee@concordia.ca) for additional information regarding the project and position.

    Concordia is a full-spectrum, research-intensive university that conducts leading-edge research in a variety of areas including cell and molecular biology. The collegial environment, state-of- the-art facilities, and accomplished faculty make the Biology Department at Concordia a great place to conduct graduate research. Montreal is a great place to live and located in cultural capital Quebec.

    We are interested in highly motivated candidates with background in molecular biology, with good communication skills. Research experience in protein biochemistry or plant biology is preferred, but not required. Diversity is considered a strength within the lab and all qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for this position.

    Interested applicants are welcome to apply by submitting a single PDF containing curriculum vitae, a brief description of research experience, and contact information for two references. Email your application by August 30, 2023 to Dr. Jin Suk Lee (jinsuk.lee@concordia.ca) with subject heading ‘Graduate student position application’.

    Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

  • 30 Jul 2023 18:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Postdoc position studying forest dynamics and tree resilience to climate change impacts using high resolution drone-based imagery

    The FastPheno project is soliciting applications for a postdoctoral position at the University of Toronto.

    The individual will be working as part of a larger team including researchers from the University of Toronto, Université Laval, Natural Resources Canada, and the Ministry of Forests, Fauna and Parcs of Quebec. Our team combines the next generation of high-throughput drone-based phenotyping platforms, plant ecophysiological and genomics approaches to better understand forest dynamics and tree resilience to climate change impacts. The successful candidate will be based in Toronto and work in an interdisciplinary team of researchers of the four participating organizations in a highly collaborative environment.

    If you have a background or interest in one or several of the following areas, you should send us your application: High resolution image classification, remote sensing of vegetation, data sciences, computer sciences, bioinformatics, statistical modelling, environmental sciences, ecophysiology of plants, and ecology of trees.


    The postdoc will take leads in the FastPheno project activities on drone-based collection and processing of hyperspectral and LiDAR data from multiple experimental field sites and forest stands located in Quebec and Southern Ontario. The focus will be on improving our existing data analysis pipeline, including the identification of trees, assessing health and fitness of individual trees, and estimating structural features of vegetation using deep learning approaches. Candidates must hold a PhD in remote sensing, geoinformatics, plant biology, forestry, or a related field. Strong background in image classification, big data analysis and experience with deep learning algorithms is required.

    Preferred skills include:

    • ·         Proficiency in optical (hyperspectral and multispectral) and LiDAR remote sensing, photogrammetry.
    • ·         Experience in preprocessing and analysis of VHR optical and LiDAR remote sensing data.
    • ·         Good understanding of object-oriented programming in Python and C++, sell scripting, relational databases.
    • ·         Experience with GDAL Geospatial libraries, QGIS/ArcGIS and GRASS, point cloud processing tools such as LasTools or CloudCompare.
    • ·         Knowledge in cloud computing platforms such as Azure, cluster computing and job schedulers such as SLURM.
    • ·         Experience with retrieval of plant physiological and structural information using hyperspectral or LiDAR information is an advantage.

    Postdoctoral candidates must have received their PhD after January 2019. Candidates must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, willingness to work independently and in a collaborative team environment, and a track record of timely completion of projects and publications.


    Potential applicants should send their CV, a list with the names and contact information of 2-3 references and a max. one1 page motivation letter in a single PDF file to ensmingerlab@utoronto.ca. Use the words Application Postdoc High Resolution Imagery in the subject line of your email. The review of applications will commence immediately until the position is filled.

    About the position

    The ensmingerlab is highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary and inclusive. We affirm diversity, creativity, integrity and ambition. For questions, please email ensmingerlab@utoronto.ca. For further information on the lab or the FastPheno project please visit the lab website https://ensminger.csb.utoronto.ca/or the FastPheno website https://www.fastpheno.com/.

  • 23 Jul 2023 14:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Postdoctoral Position in Plant Molecular Physiology and Genomics

    University of Manitoba, Canada

    A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Ayele at the University of Manitoba to investigate hormonal regulation of traits of economic importance including abiotic stress tolerance in cereals. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. degree in plant biology or a related discipline with solid experience in standard and emerging molecular biology techniques, and use of genomics/genetics approaches such as gene cloning and vector construction, plant tissue culture, generation and analysis of mutants and genetic variants. Knowledge in bioinformatics such as transcriptome and next generation sequence data analysis and online database usage is required. Experience in the use of analytical techniques would be an asset. Candidates must have demonstrated skills in interpersonal, written and verbal communication, and publications in peer reviewed journals. The successful candidate must be able to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team and will be expected to demonstrate research productivity through publication in relevant refereed journals. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. The initial appointment is for one year but renewable contingent upon satisfactory progress.


    Interested candidates should send (1) cover letter explaining the research interests, (2) CV, and (3) contact information including phone numbers for 3 references by email to Dr. Ayele at belay.ayele@umanitoba.ca.

  • 11 Jul 2023 17:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A graduate student position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Yang Xu at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph. The Xu Lab is seeking a highly motivated MSc student with a strong interest in plant lipid biology. Please see the posting details here.  

    For those who are interested, please forward cover letter, CV, transcripts, and the names of three references to Dr. Xu by email (yangxu@uoguelph.ca).  

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