CSPB-SCBV Award Nominations Now Open! Nominate a plant biologist today!

02 Jan 2024 16:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As we move into the New Year, we encourage you to nominate an exceptional member of the Canadian plant biology community for a CSPB-SCBV Award today.

The Society is launching a new system for award nominations, which will allow for nominations to be submitted online through Google Forms. This replaces our previous format, which required nominators to submit packages via e-mail to the Award Committee Chairs. We hope this will make the award nomination process more transparent and accessible. As always full details of all Society awards can always be found in the CSPB-SCBV Bylaws.

Award nomination forms can be accessed on the respective award pages. Inquiries regarding awards can be sent to the respective awards committee email addresses which can also be found on these pages.


The following awards are open for nomination this year:

Early Career-Specific Awards
The RAGAI IBRAHIM AWARD: The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence in publication by graduate stu- dents. A peer reviewed paper either in print or on-line may be self nominated or nominated by the supervisor, and will be evaluated on the impact or potential impact that the work will have on plant biology.

The CARL DOUGLAS PRIZE: The Prize shall be awarded for outstanding contributions to plant biology by a post- doctoral fellow, based on initiative and originality of the research, productivity of the individual, and leadership during their postdoctoral fellowship. A postdoctoral fellow is an individual who has completed their PhD and is engaged in full-time re- search under the supervision of a mentor. Applicants shall have obtained their PhD no more than 4 years (i.e., 48 months) prior to the date of the submission of the application, although career breaks will be taken into account when applicants are nearing the end of this eligibility period (e.g. maternity or parental leave, caregiver’s responsibilities, illness, etc.). Applicants need not be Canadian citizens or engaged in a research program in Canada at the time of the nomination or during their postdoctoral fellowship. Preference will be given to applicants who are current members of the Society and have previously participated as a member of the Society.

Other Awards
The C.D. NELSON AWARD IN PLANT BIOLOGY: This award shall be given for outstanding research contributions to plant biology. Special consideration will be given to originality and independence of thought. Nominees shall have been in an independent, full-time research position for no more than 10 years, although career breaks will be taken into account when applicants are nearing the end of this eligibility period (e.g. maternity or parental leave, caregiver’s responsibilities, illness, etc.). Nominees need not be Canadian citizens or members of the Society but must be engaged in a research pro- gram in Canada at the time of the nomination.

THE GLEB KROTKOV AWARD: The Award shall be given for outstanding career service to the Society. The Award shall be awarded by decision of the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Gleb Krotkov Award Committee. A nomination for the Award must be supported by one Full Member and shall be documented with a full curriculum vitae and a citation outlining the nominee’s outstanding career service to the Society.

CSPB-SCBV SOCIETY MEDAL: The Medal shall be awarded for outstanding career research and leadership contri- butions, primarily in Canada. A nomination for the Medal must be supported by one Full Member and shall be documented with a full curriculum vitae and a citation outlining the nominee’s outstanding career research and leadership contributions to plant biology.

DAVID J. GIFFORD AWARD IN TREE BIOLOGY: Given in recognition of outstanding contributions in tree biology, primarily in Canada. Nominees must be engaged in a research program in Canada at the time of nomination and shall have been in an independent, full time research position for >15 years. Nominations must be made by a Full Member in good standing and include a full CV, and a citation outlining the nominee’s outstanding and original research contributions.

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